It has been a long time since I wrote my last blog - but that means I have been too busy to write. But I have often thought about things I would like to say over the last few weeks.
Spring is really on its way. I spent a few days in Kent and the countryside was just glorious. It was also lovely to see the sea for the first time this year. I am really very lucky to be able to get away from London at this time of the year. The winter seems to drag and London seems miserable and one just can't wait to see a bit of sunshine or some lovely countryside.
I have continued to go on my monthly Sunday walks and here is a photo I took on the last one.
This is not the photo I intended to print as it is from another walk taken last year - but it is just as nice. The best thing is that this attractive area is just a few miles away from where I live. Our Sunday walks are usually local.
It has been as busy as usual - but I think I have slowed down a bit as two of my activities have stopped and so I have one day a week free to do other things.
I did have a bad patch when 'things' started to get me down. But now I am beginning to feel much brighter and optimistic. I suppose the break in Kent as well as the Spring weather has helped.
Part of the reason I started this blog was because I wanted to use it to record the changes I feel as I get older. I started writing this when I was 75 and now I will soon be 77! I have noticed some changes, such as more aches and pains (just a little arthritis nothing too bad) finding difficulty in sorting out priorities e.g. making arrangements to see people and over booking myself! But mentally I am able to think quite clearly, though slower and can only keep one thought in my mind at a time - I cannot multi-task as I used to. I usually walk quite fast - but have slowed down a little. However, I am still more active than many people I know of my age. I do intend to keep going - by exercising and keeping active as much as possible.
Life is not too bad - though there are times when I wonder what the purpose of it is. My most productive times were when I had children and saw them grow up and marry and have children of their own. I used to be part of my grand children's lives - but now they are moving on and I don't get so involved. I really do miss that.