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Sunday, 30 October 2016

feeling good!

I have titled this feeling good, because I feel happy and healthy. I am also enjoying my family. My family is the most important thing in my life. Lately I have seen quite a lot of them and I feel very blessed that they want to be with me and appreciate me.

My son, who is very disabled, had a recital of his poems, together with a friend who played the piano. About 80 people attended. The idea was to  raise funds for  him to purchase a special bike. Since he had his double amputation he has not been able to cycle, which has been something he had always enjoyed. He is trying to get the type of bike that the Paralympic athletes use. He has now managed to raise the amount needed and is ordering this bike. It will be so wonderful for him to be able to cycle again. He is able to walk with prosthetic legs but is very ungainly and often it is painful and uncomfortable for him. This will make life so much easier for him. His life is one of struggle and achievement and he deserves some reward.

My health seems to be much better. I am no longer taking steroids (about 10 months). My allergies have improved, though a new one has occurred (but is not so bad as before). My feet, that had become very painful, are still painful but have improved in mobility. This is due to seeing an osteopath and a reflexologist who have worked really hard on them. There was a time I could only walk with difficulty and using painkillers.

When I first started this blog I was so full of anger and disappointments and needed to get all my feelings out. These days I seem calmer and less stressed.

I enjoy two very good exercise classes and belong to 3 groups so manage to be quite busy.. My old problems about friendship is still ongoing as my two closest friends have died  and my friendship group has become much smaller and I miss these two friends very much.

All in all I feel much calmer and happier. I hope this continues! This blog has been my outlet for my feelings!