Is there anybody out there??

Sunday, 8 August 2010

My thoughts about going on holiday!

I am going to fly to Toronto soon to visit family and go to a wedding.

This is not one of the things I really want to do. I do like travelling and seeing new places - but I have been to Toronto on many family occasions and they usually follow the same pattern. Lots of parties and celebrations. For me to go to all the bother of flying such a distance seems a waste of precious time. If I am to go through the inconveniences of long distance flying I would like to do something a bit more adventurous.

I am really not keen on weddings. I have very mixed feelings about being with my sister, who has invited me. We have a very difficult relationship and I don't want to be put under stress. It is a very expensive trip . These are my main objections.

The good side - I will see family and friends who I haven't met up with for years, particularly my cousin from California. I am going back to California with my cousin - so that would be a nice thing to do. We are all getting older and so we should see each other as often as we can. Life goes by so fast and I may regret the chance to see the overseas family.

Though the last paragraph is true - I still have a resentment about this trip. I feel I was put into a position where it was very hard to say no.

Anyway I am going and once I am on the plane I will start looking forward to the holiday and be very positive. I will try not to get upset with my sister!

That was my grouchy side - now for the positive side.

I had an unexpected phone call from my son, who is in the South of France. He is disabled and life can be very difficult for him. However after he had overcome some obstacles, he actually managed to swim in the Mediterranean. I was happy on two accounts - first that he had achieved this and second that he actually phoned to tell me about it. In fact I feel very emotional at the thought of this and feel so very proud of him.

More blog thoughts when I get back from my trip to Canada and California. I am going to be on 5 planes in 2 weeks! Help!

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