Is there anybody out there??

Thursday, 17 October 2013

Mundane happenings in my life.

There are still problems with this blog, but I am managing to get on it OK. I can't find spell check so have been making mistakes not realising. Also the paragraphs don't seem to work! Today has been a good and productive day. I went to my chiropractor this morning. I have been going for the past few months as I have had problems with my back and neck. I could hardly move my head without restriction and pain. But now it has almost got back to normal. I suppose after years of carrying heavy things, tensing up whenever I have had problems, etc. has created this problem. Then I went to the Estate Agent and told them I was isnterested in going ahead and sell my house and buy something smaller. I had been for a walk in the area the estate agent had recommended to me and find that I like them and wouldn't mind living in one of those sites. So when I get back from my trip abroad I will go ahead. Then I went to the dentist and had my teeth polished and so I feel good about them. And then I went to my book group to discuss a Graham Greene book we had recently read. The group are very unintellectual and we only discuss the books for a short while and then gossip about other things. The books are also not very demanding. But the people are really very nice and it is a pleasant 2 hours to spend once a month. Tomorrow I am going to my second yoga class. I used to go regularly for about 20 years but gave up 4 years ago. When I went last week I realised how stiff I was and that I would have to exercise as a beginner until I get back to my old standard (if I ever do get back to it). Another positive thing I have done is get my camera sorted out. For some reason (and I think it was I did something to it unknowingly) it stopped taking photos. The man in Curry's, where I had originally bought it, very kindly corrected it for me. It seems OK now and I hope to use it when I am abroad. My problem is that I take the camera but often forget to take any photos. But I must do so this time!!!!! I seem to be writing about very mundane things - but I think I am feeling a bit more relaxed and calmer at the moment. Next time I may be in a different mood.

Monday, 14 October 2013

Autumn - Exciting holidays! Glamorous celebrations!

Lately I have been having difficulty in getting onto this blog. I don't know why! Today I was just put straight on to it so the problem seems to have cleared up. I have called this 'Exciting holidays' and Glamorous celebrations! as in a week or so I am going to California and then on to Canada. In California I am going to see my cousin who is going to drive us to Seattle. LA to Santa Barbara, then Monterey, then San Francisco etc. I will write in more detail when I get back. Then we return to LA where we will both fly to Toronto. In Toronto I will see my sister and her family, where there will be a wedding of one of her ganddaugher's. So America will be the exciting time and Toronto the glamorous. My mind is going around and around wonderin what type of clothes I have to take with me. From warm California to colder Seattle, then back to warm California and then on to very cold Toronto and then back to wintery November in London. Otherwise I am looking forward to being away into a new environment in the company of my cousin, who I like, and then to be with my sister. It is all good. When I get back to London I have decided that I am going to put my house up for sale and move to a smaller abode. I live in a roomy 3 bedroom 2 reception room house and now that I am older I do not need so much space. A two bedroom flat or maisonette would be quite suitable. Also I live in a very built up, busy area, on a main road and it would be nice to live away from the noise and problems living here entails. In the past I have had so many problems with neighbours - this has all been sorted out - but it could happen again and I am hoaping the new area would be a nice place. So when I get back I will have lots to write about and also lots to do. There will be Christmas arrangements, preparing the house for sale etc. I hope my next blog will be more interesting.

Saturday, 21 September 2013

A picture!

I am trying to print a picture.

Hooray!! I have managed it.

Friday, 20 September 2013

September Surprises!

This is my latest blog. I have titled it 'September Surprises' because it sounds good not that I have any real surprises. The summer was great - we had such lovely weather, but now it has turned colder and Autumn is really here. A lot is happening here. One Grandson has started Secondary School and two other Grandchildren are starting University - so it is full of anxieties and and emotions - but also happy feelings. I seem to have got out of my depressions. Part of it may be due to me taking medication for an underactive thyroid. I used to feel that I was so exhausted that I just didn't want to move and was overwhelmed by tiredness. Though I have only been taking this medication for 2 weeks I am beginning to feel more positive not so tired. I am not certain if that is the reason or whether I am just going through a phase of positiveness!! We shall see. I did feel depressed for a while about the fact that I had to take medication as I have always avoided doing so. I tried to add a picture but it didn't work - I wonder why. I also found it difficult to get on this blog. I think it is because they have changed the format and I have found it hard to access. I still have my worries about getting old and coping with it and I have had problems with my neck and shoulders. I have been unable to move them without pain and I was tightening up so that the movement was becoming more restrcted. However, I am having treatment with a Chiroptractic and things are easing. I am still trying to keep a healthy regime. I will try and write more another time.

Wednesday, 29 May 2013

Miserable May

We are nearly at the end of May and the weather hasn't improved very much. We have had a few days of fine weather - but very few. The recent Bank holiday was an exception as we had some really lovely weather  - which made it hard to go back to the old gloomy, rainy and cold days.

Tuesday rained all day. Today, Wednesday, hasn't been too bad, but I do feel chilled and have had to put the heating on. The heating on in May!!!

After the mice incident which I described in my last blog, things seemed to go well. My stay in the country was delightful, though cold. I did manage to get a few good walks in. At the cottage there were two new kittens - Sasha and Lazlo - who were delightful as well as two doves and their two chicks. I spent a lot of time just looking into the garden to look at the birds, who were feeding from the feeder I filled daily, and the doves and the chicks. The kittens were delightful.

Then back to London. One of my close friends has been diagnosed with Pancreatic cancer. They say they cannot operate but possibly chemo-therapy will help. But it doesn't look too good. I went to stay with her for a few days to give her some moral support. She is very brave and is coping amazingly.

Back home life went on - but the weather didn't improve. I have been fighting depression daily and trying to be positive.  I am beginning to feel my age and have various aches and pains - mostly in my neck and shoulders. I am finding it difficult to cope with problems and make decisions. I can feel my body tiring. I know that sounds very negative - but I am trying to be truthful. I am really finding it harder to function than previously. My memory doesn't work so well and my body doesn't feel as active as it was.

There have been a few problems. Such as the gear on my car didn't work so I had to take it into the garage and spent £250 for repairs. The positive thing is that I sorted the problem out - as my immediate reaction was to ignore it and not to do anything about it. I also feel very fortunate I didn't have to put in a new gear box as that would have been very expensive - more than the car is worth.

The other problem was that on Tuesday where is rained heavily for most of the day, the water came into my conservatory and there was a great pool of water. I put in large containers in the morning to catch the water and they were full by the time I got home in the evening. So I worried about how I was going to get it repaired etc and felt very low. BUT - my Italian friend who had been staying with me - came to the rescue.
He climbed a ladder and checked that the problem was the guttering was full of rubbish and needed to be cleaned out. And he proceeded to clear it and then used the hose to get rid of all the debris. I just felt so grateful for his help and kindness. In fact I feel very blessed as he and another friend of mine have done so much to help me with the house. I couldn't continue to stay here if I didn't have such kind friends.

Well, some of this blog has been miserable - but there have been some positive things too. So I will finish with this uplifting feeling.

Friday, 22 March 2013

March Miseries

March has been really miserable. Very cold weather, lots of biting wind, and I am feeling quite low. This winter has been very long and it doesn't seem to be ending at all. Usually there is a feeling of hope at this time of year - but not at the moment. There are still a few more days of the month left and the weather forecast is dreadful - very cold.

In the middle of February I had a cataract operation. The actual operation went quite well but somehow a piece of debris remained and was causing discomfort so I had to have the eyeball 'washed out' (this was more uncomfortable than the actual cataract op) but I am fine now. Still putting drops in my eye - but otherwise seeing quite well and waiting for an appointment to go to my opticians to get glasses. At present I do not really need glasses for most things. I am slightly shortsighed now - but can see most things other than very small print and will need to wear glasses for driving and tv. I have had to wear glasses most of my life so it will be a relief not to have to rely on them now.

The Cataract Operation added to my miseries the end of February and beginning of March - but there have been other factors. My social life has slowed down again and, as usual, am beginning to feel that I am on my own and no-one cares. I must say my children have shown me every care and attention - but my friends seem to have disappeared from my life.  They had all had health or family problems which leaves me on my own. Whereas I usually meet a friend for tea/coffee or lunch weekly - these have stopped and I find I'm doing things on my own. I don't mind being on my own but I do like having people around me with whom I can communicate.

Another problem has been - mice. I have had mice in my kitchen for the past 2 weeks and have been trying to get rid of them. I have (against my sensitive feelings) had to put down poison. Today there has been a very slight sign of the 'little visitors' but I am now visualising them eating the poison and then dying a horrible death and feeling really bad about this.

Anyway positive things. I am going away next Tuesday for a few days to Kent. I usually go with a friend of mine but she is one of my friends with health problems so part of the time I will be on my own. She hopes to come down for a day which will be nice if she can manage this. The weather will still be cold - but it will be good to get away from dreary London.

Soon I will go to my usual village in Suffolk for a week in April and I am really looking forward to that. There will 2 other occasions for me visiting that area this year.

On Easter Monday the family will come over for afternoon tea. That will give me great pleasure.

I have booked a holiday in California to see my cousin who lives there. I am going in October and will see her, some old friends and relations. So that is something really nice to look forward to.

I am already feeling a little bit happier after writing this. I am going to The Royal Academy to see an Art exhibition later today. On my own - but will enjoy this.

Wednesday, 2 January 2013

New Year Thoughts

Its the beginning of the year so thought it appropriate to write something about the past and also new thoughts for the future.

I dreaded the Christmas Holidays. There is so much panic and everyone seems to be racing around preparing for those few days - buying and buying as if there is no tomorrow. We are in a depression and people still seem to be spending loads of money on gifts.

My family are the same - but, I must say, it was a really nice Christmas after all. One daughter and her partner made a lovely traditional dinner and then we played games and it was really quite nice. Then on Boxing day I went to my other daughter and we had a pleasant time together with some friends of theirs. And on Christmas Eve I spent some time with my son, daughter-in-law and their teenage twins - and that was really good.

Being on my own and getting older, I can't help feeling that my relationship with my family is changing. I always thought I was a pivotal person in the family, but now they have all over taken me and all lead busy and stressful lives. I know they all love me - but they look upon me as old and past it (I don't mean they ignore me - but that they just think I will always be there, always there if they need me) but otherwise I am just put in a little box in their mind as 'good old mum'. I just don't feel very important or part of their lives as I used to. This is all very clumsily put - but I find it hard to verbalise how I feel. I have spoken about it to one or two of my friends and they feel the same as me. They love their children and their children love them - but we are all 'has-beens'. I suppose it is natural. All our children are aged between 40 and early 50's and they are at their prime and we are sliding downhill. When our parents were our age we thought they were very old also - but they were a lot older in their ways that we are. We are healthier and more active than any past generation. In fact we are very lucky.

The digital explosion hasn't help us as it puts us at a disadvantage. The younger generation talk about things with their children that we have no knowledge about or just a glimmer of understanding!

Still I am very proud of my family and they are doing very well under difficult circumstances. With the economic  situation of the moment they are all worried about their jobs and working very hard trying to look after their families. They are good, caring, hard-working people.

Fortunately my health was good last year and I hope it will continue so for this coming year. I have a small concern about my cholesterol and also will be having a cataract operation on one of my eyes in a few weeks time but otherwise my body is still quite fit and active. I exercise quite often and take care of my diet and so feel quit fit and I am determined to stay that way for as long as possible.

When I started this 'blog' about 2 years ago - I said 'Is there anybody out there' as felt so alone and that there is no-one just for me. I still do feel that way - but this 'blog' has helped me get over that when I have my bad days. Even if I don't write very often I still think about what I am going so say as I go about my everyday activities, so it has helped me get over those very emotional feelings I often get.

One good thing that has happened recently that should have a mention here. I spent 4 days in Barcelona. It was a really very nice break and I had a very enjoyable time with one of my friends. Maybe I will post some pictures of that trip next time.